Supply List

Middle School Supply List 2023-2024
For all grade levels
1. Pencils (1-2 packs)
2. Pens (1-2 packs)
3. Highlighters (1 pack of different colors)
4. Spiral Notebooks (7)
5. Folders (7)
6. Earbuds (1) -- Earbuds are used upon the teacher’s request. Please make sure
that your student’s earbuds can be easily stored away

Teachers may recommend other supplies, which they will make you aware of through communication via their classroom handouts, Remind, or at Open House.
Optional recommended calculator: TI30XIIS


Provided by the district. Please charge your Chromebook daily at home! If technical assistance is required to correct issues, students should immediately let a teacher know that they need to see our in-building tech support staff.

Think ahead - start saving now!

7th grade trip to Springfield (pending)
8th grade trip to Washington, DC
8th grade promotion gown
8th grade dance


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