Retention Policy


Elementary/Middle Grades Retention Process

Summer School Programming

Students will be expected to show proficiency in each of the following promotion criteria categories:

  1. District-wide Assessment

  2. Academic Performance

  3. Attendance

If a student fails to meet each criterion in its entirety, then the student’s promotion will be determined based on Appendix A/B of this document. For all students that have failed to meet the promotion criteria, they will be required to attend the District-sponsored Summer School. During this time, the student will be provided intensive and differentiated instruction in Reading, Math, Science, and Social Studies for a total of five to six weeks. In order to successfully complete Summer School, all students must earn either a “2/Approaching Grade Level Standards” (ES) or ‘C’ or better in both Reading and Math (MS).

Promotion to Next Higher Grade

If a student successfully meets all Summer School promotion requirements, then the student will be promoted to the next grade level. As the student matriculates to the next grade level in the Fall, then the student will be provided additional academic supports that are designed to address any instructional challenges and/or deficits, as to assist the student with being successful during the upcoming school year.

Retention of Grade

A student who does not satisfactorily complete Summer School will be retained in his/her current grade (if this is the first time that the student has been retained in the current grade cycle). All retained students will receive a Personal Learning Plan determined by the site-based individual problem-solving committee. In addition, parent conferences will be required quarterly at the school-site to discuss progress on the Personal Learning Plan (PLP).  Students will not be allowed to repeat the same grade more than one time. In the event that a student fails a grade twice, then the student will be advanced to the next higher grade with supports.

Over-age Students

If a student will be 15 years of age on or before September 1st of each school year, regardless of current grade level, he/she will be advanced to the 9th grade.  The student will be required to attend Summer Acceleration (program designed for students leaving Middle School, regardless of grade, who will be entering High School due to age), and upon successful completion, will receive a Middle School diploma.

Appeals Process

After a Promotion/Retention determination has been made parents will have five (5) school days to appeal the decision to the Deputy Superintendent of Academic Supports and Programs.

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