Summer School Week 1 - June 14

Summer School Week 1 Summary
Posted on 06/14/2021
Native American WeekThis Week at Jack Benny: Native American Week

What they are learning:

ELA Class

Students learn about folktales by reading several versions of Cinderella.
They will use their journals to share their thoughts on the elements of each.
After the readings, they will compare all four stories to see what they have in common and what is different.

Math Class
Students will learn about Mary Golda Ross - a Native American woman engineer who worked at NASA.
They will explore the formulas for velocity, speed, and distance.
They will compare data from racing cars and learn about slope.
Encore Classes
Art:  Students will learn about various Potawatomi legends.  They will learn about stereotypes and avoid those in developing illustrations for their stories.

Music:  Students will explore Potawatomi music and drum circles.

Drama:  Students will begin to learn about improvisation, using voice and body for performance.

Cultural Experiences

Ms. Lynn Long will speak to the students about her own experience in a Native American residential school.

Trickster Cultural Center will visit on Thursday, June 17th to demonstrate and perform the Native American Drum Dance.

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