
Chromebooks are provided to all students for academic purposes. They are a required material in all classes, and students are expected to come prepared with a Chromebook that is ready to use as needed.

Google Classroom
Teachers typically create a Google Classroom portal for each class. There, students can access assignments, announcements, and documents necessary for class. It is a great way for students to check off completed assignments and find ones that aren't finished.
Parents can also gain access to Google Classroom. Please email your child's teacher and have your email address connected.

Infinite Campus Portal
All students can access their grades online by logging into the Infinite Campus Portal using their district log-in information. There, they can see current grades and a list of missing assignments. Encourage your child to regularly monitor this and to manage their time to complete missing work, should they have any!

Chromebook Care
Chromebooks should be charged and ready for class. A charge each night should get the student through an entire day of schoolwork.
Broken Chromebooks should be reported to a teacher immediately so a technology repair ticket can be started. Fines may be assessed for repairs, such as for broken screens, lost charging cables, and battery issues.
The best way to help prevent damage is to keep the Chromebook in a case. Please do not remove keys or try to take apart the device in any way. 
Students should never charge a phone using a USB cable plugged into the Chromebook as this has damaged some Chromebooks.

General Classroom Expectations
While classwork is being done, students should NOT be on games, browsing the internet for pictures, watching YouTube videos, chatting with friends in other classes, or listening to music. Repeated violations will result in parent contact.
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